Continued from my previous blog article
Working towards a shared goal, i.e. healthy lifestyle and sustainability,
could be described as ‘transdisciplinary’ work. This way of working or
researching is often overlooked, because expertise and ‘knowledge’ tend to
develop within specialties; in this case, public health and environmental
science. Unfortunately disciplines have their drawbacks; research may miss
opportunities of ‘cross-fertilisation’ as exemplified by the newspaper article
mentioned in my previous blog. Furthermore putting knowledge into practice may
be hindered because lifestyles are not arranged in disciplines – we need
messages that talk to different facets of our daily life at once. I am involved
in an international project that will look at the benefits of transdisciplinary
research for human development and sustainability science:
“How can we better connect social and environmental sciences
to enhance the well-being of people and their environments, especially in the
context of poverty?”
A challenge for working in a transdisciplinary way can be terminology - because it is mix of several disciplines titles tend to be long and complicated. Also different disciplines may have different meanings for key terms, therefore some meaning can get 'lost in translation'. How do people talk
about these links between health and global climate change? We invented the
term ‘Low Carbon Healthy Lifestyles’. Twitter users organise around hashtags,
which can be an important seed crystal to grow interest and debate. This is the
best I’ve found so far: #climatehealth
A great case study of these overlapping issues are the
community projects funded by Natural Choices for Health and Wellbeing
(Liverpool Primary Care Trust NHS in partnership with Mersey Forest). See my previous blog article.
I have been
researching the impact of one of these projects; a therapeutic horticulture project
for children. Children and young people from 3 local schools participated in
the project, learning about the natural environment as well as benefitting
their own wellbeing. I am currently studying how children perceive the
gardening project and how they felt it affected their wellbeing. I am
particularly interested in how their concepts of nature, ecosystem or
sustainability may influence their perceptions of the social world. Are the
words and concepts used by the horticultural therapists a critical factor, or
is simply being in greenspace therapeutic?
There are ways that tackling climate change can benefit
health and wellbeing, however these are often not made explicit. People often
consider one or the other, maybe because both health and sustainability are
complex topics. I believe bringing these two together, either within global
research or local community activities, is a great way to build momentum.